Yes. More correct terms are "machine learning" and "deep learning". But due to the rapid popularization of AI, the definitions of these concepts are blurred.
No. User data is completely confidential, which is why it is not transferred to third parties and is not stored in a common database. The text content generated for you will disappear after you refresh the page.
The generation mechanism is not perfect and is gradually being refined by trial and error. Due to the fact that the content creation algorithm is not systematized (this is typical of all existing machine learning methods).
As a rule, raw materials are generated in a few minutes. In turn, the final processing of the text can be created up to half an hour - the duration of the procedure depends on the volume, topic, as well as the initially set parameters.
Yes. The user has the right to use the AI-generated content as he pleases. There are no legal obligations in this case. The text is generated so as not to violate any copyright.